PMg values both corporate and individual community involvement. Managing countless community projects since 1999, and with a staff that includes lifelong Tulsans, we embrace the place we live during work hours as well as personal time.
Company Involvement
Some of the local events we have enjoyed supporting:
By Your Side 5K and Fun Run for Parkside Psychiatric
Hospital and Clinic
Junior Livestock Auction
Flight Night for STEM education
Tulsa Air and Space Museum's Aviator Ball
the M.e.t.'s America Recycles Day Banquet
Friends of Fairgrounds
Tulsa's Future campaigns II & III
River Parks Foundation's Wild Turkey benefit
Engineering Scholarship Golf Tournament
Staff Member Involvement
Downtown Lions Club
Jenks Chamber of Commerce
Tulsa Metro Chamber of Commerce
Tulsa Engineering Foundation
Parkside Psychiatric Hospital & Clinic Board of Directors
Leadership Broken Arrow
Broken Arrow Planning Commission
Oklahoma Society of Professional Engineers
Oklahoma Engineering Foundation
Indian Nations Council of Governments (INCOG)
Area churches and parishes
National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC)